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Interested in reserving space for a retreat at BYC, let us know by filling out the information below.
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Dates of requested use
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If the requested use is by an organization or group not affiliated with BYC, please briefly state the organization’s or group’s purpose and mission:
Please list the names of the organization’s or group’s office holders and/or leaders:
Please describe which facilities you are requesting the use of and the purpose for which you intend to use them:
BYC's mission is to glorify God by providing opportunities for Genuine Awe, Intentional Community, and Authentic Worship. How do you anticipate these taking place during your time at BYC?
I affirm that:
I understand BYC does not allow its facilities to be used in ways that contradict its faith or by persons or groups holding beliefs or advocating practices that contradict its faith.
To the best of my knowledge, the purpose for which I am requesting use of BYC’s facilities will not contradict its faith, and I commit to promptly disclose to BYC any potential conflict of which I am aware.
I am not aware of any beliefs that are professed by me or the organization I represent that contradict the faith of BYC and agree to promptly disclose any potential conflicts in belief to BYC.
I understand that BYC does not allow its facilities to be generally available to the public and that my/our use of these facilities is subject to the approval of an authorized representative of BYC and agreement to the requirements of this facility use policy, which I have read and understand.
5. I understand that upon approval of this request I will provide a security deposit of half the amount determined between our organization and the BYC representative authorized to grant facility use and will submit the balance of monies owed upon arrival at BYC.
6. I understand that an appropriate non-refundable cleaning fee will be included in the total charges for facility use.
I/We agree to report any defective or dangerous conditions in the facility to the BYC authorized representative as soon as possible after they are discovered.
I/We agree to take responsibility for any damages to BYC property or facilities resulting from this proposed use.
9. We agree to
respect the guidelines associated with the use of the facilities; including, but not limited to, no alcohol, smoking, pets or drug use on campus.
10. It is the position of BYC that disputes are to be worked out between parties without recourse to the courts
(Mt. 18; 1 Cor. 6). Accordingly, users of our facility agree to resolve any disputes relating to facility through Christian mediation.
11. I am an authorized representative of the organization/group requesting the use of BYC facilities and property.
Name of Authorized Requestor